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Definition of 'Dependent'

A dependent is a person who relies on another person for financial support. This can include children, spouses, or other relatives. Dependents can be claimed on a person's tax return, which can help to lower their taxes.

There are two types of dependents: qualifying children and qualifying relatives. Qualifying children are children who are under the age of 19 (or under 24 if they are a full-time student) and who live with the taxpayer for more than half of the year. Qualifying relatives are people who are not the taxpayer's children, but who are related to the taxpayer and who live with the taxpayer for more than half of the year.

To claim a dependent on a tax return, the taxpayer must meet certain requirements. The taxpayer must be able to claim the dependent as a dependent on their tax return, and the dependent must meet the requirements for being a qualifying child or qualifying relative.

There are a number of benefits to claiming a dependent on a tax return. The taxpayer can claim the child tax credit, the dependent care credit, and the earned income tax credit. The taxpayer may also be able to claim the medical expense deduction for expenses that are paid for the dependent.

It is important to understand the rules for claiming a dependent on a tax return. If a taxpayer claims a dependent who does not meet the requirements, the taxpayer may be subject to penalties.

Here are some additional tips for claiming a dependent on a tax return:

* Make sure that the dependent meets the requirements for being a qualifying child or qualifying relative.
* Keep records of all of the expenses that you paid for the dependent, such as medical expenses, child care expenses, and education expenses.
* If you are not sure whether you can claim a dependent, consult with a tax professional.

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