Deposit Multiplier

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Definition of 'Deposit Multiplier'

The deposit multiplier is a measure of the multiple of a bank's deposits that can be lent out. It is calculated by dividing the bank's total loans by its total deposits. The higher the deposit multiplier, the more money the bank can lend out.

The deposit multiplier is important because it determines how much money is available in the economy. When the deposit multiplier is high, there is more money available for lending, which can lead to economic growth. However, when the deposit multiplier is low, there is less money available for lending, which can lead to economic slowdown.

The deposit multiplier is determined by a number of factors, including the reserve requirement, the interest rate, and the public's willingness to hold deposits. The reserve requirement is the amount of money that banks must keep in reserve, and it is set by the central bank. The interest rate is the rate at which banks lend money to each other, and it is also set by the central bank. The public's willingness to hold deposits is influenced by a number of factors, including the level of economic uncertainty and the rate of inflation.

The deposit multiplier can be used to analyze the impact of monetary policy on the economy. When the central bank lowers the reserve requirement, it increases the deposit multiplier, which leads to more lending and economic growth. Conversely, when the central bank raises the reserve requirement, it decreases the deposit multiplier, which leads to less lending and economic slowdown.

The deposit multiplier is a complex concept, but it is an important tool for understanding the relationship between money and banking. By understanding the deposit multiplier, policymakers can better understand the impact of their decisions on the economy.

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