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Definition of 'Disequilibrium'

Disequilibrium is a state of imbalance or disharmony. In economics, disequilibrium refers to a situation in which the forces of supply and demand are not in balance. This can lead to a variety of problems, such as inflation, unemployment, and economic instability.

There are two main types of disequilibrium:

* **Excess demand disequilibrium:** This occurs when the quantity of goods and services demanded exceeds the quantity supplied. This can lead to inflation, as businesses raise prices in order to meet the demand.
* **Excess supply disequilibrium:** This occurs when the quantity of goods and services supplied exceeds the quantity demanded. This can lead to unemployment, as businesses are forced to lay off workers in order to reduce their costs.

Disequilibrium can be caused by a variety of factors, such as changes in consumer demand, changes in production costs, or government intervention in the economy.

Disequilibrium is not always a bad thing. In some cases, it can be a sign of economic growth. For example, excess demand disequilibrium can lead to investment and job creation. However, if disequilibrium persists for too long, it can lead to serious problems, such as inflation or unemployment.

There are a number of ways to address disequilibrium. One common approach is to use monetary policy to increase or decrease the money supply. This can help to shift the supply and demand curves and bring the economy back into equilibrium. Another approach is to use fiscal policy to increase or decrease government spending. This can also help to shift the supply and demand curves and bring the economy back into equilibrium.

Disequilibrium is a complex phenomenon, and there is no single solution that will work in all cases. However, by understanding the causes of disequilibrium and the different ways to address it, policymakers can help to keep the economy stable and growing.

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