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Definition of 'Disintermediation'

Disintermediation is the process by which financial institutions lose customers to other financial institutions or non-financial institutions. This can happen when customers find that they can get better terms or services from a different provider.

There are a number of reasons why disintermediation can occur. One reason is that technology has made it easier for customers to comparison shop and find the best deals. Another reason is that new financial products and services have been created that offer customers more choice and flexibility.

Disintermediation can have a number of negative consequences for financial institutions. It can lead to a decline in profits, as customers move their business to other providers. It can also make it more difficult for financial institutions to provide certain services, such as lending.

However, disintermediation can also have some positive consequences. It can lead to increased competition in the financial services industry, which can benefit consumers. It can also encourage financial institutions to innovate and develop new products and services that meet the needs of their customers.

Overall, disintermediation is a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative consequences. It is important for financial institutions to understand the factors that can lead to disintermediation and to take steps to mitigate its impact.

Here are some specific examples of disintermediation:

* In the banking industry, disintermediation has occurred as customers have moved their deposits from traditional banks to online banks and other non-bank financial institutions. This has been driven by a number of factors, including the higher interest rates offered by online banks, the convenience of online banking, and the lack of fees charged by many online banks.
* In the insurance industry, disintermediation has occurred as customers have purchased insurance directly from insurers rather than through agents. This has been driven by the increased availability of information about insurance products online, the convenience of purchasing insurance online, and the lower prices offered by some insurers.
* In the investment industry, disintermediation has occurred as customers have moved their investments from traditional brokerage firms to online brokerage firms. This has been driven by the lower commissions charged by online brokerage firms, the convenience of online trading, and the availability of new investment products and services.

Disintermediation is a major trend in the financial services industry. It is important for financial institutions to understand the factors that can lead to disintermediation and to take steps to mitigate its impact.

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