Dividend Per Share (DPS)

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Definition of 'Dividend Per Share (DPS)'

**Dividend Per Share (DPS)**

Dividend per share (DPS) is the amount of money a company pays to its shareholders per share of its common stock. It is calculated by dividing the total dividends paid out by the company during the year by the number of shares outstanding.

DPS is an important metric for investors to consider when evaluating a company's stock. It provides an indication of the company's ability to generate cash flow and distribute it to shareholders. A high DPS can be a sign of a healthy company, while a low DPS can indicate that the company is struggling financially.

However, it is important to note that DPS is not the only factor to consider when evaluating a stock. Other factors such as the company's growth prospects, financial strength, and risk profile should also be taken into account.

**Calculating DPS**

The formula for calculating DPS is as follows:

DPS = Dividends Paid / Number of Shares Outstanding

For example, if a company pays out $10 million in dividends during the year and has 10 million shares outstanding, then its DPS would be $1 per share.

**Interpreting DPS**

A high DPS can be a sign of a healthy company that is generating strong cash flow. However, it is important to note that a high DPS does not always indicate that a company is a good investment. For example, a company may have a high DPS because it is paying out a large portion of its earnings in dividends, which could be a sign that the company is not reinvesting its earnings in growth.

Conversely, a low DPS can be a sign of a struggling company that is not generating enough cash flow to pay dividends. However, it is important to note that a low DPS does not always indicate that a company is a bad investment. For example, a company may have a low DPS because it is reinvesting its earnings in growth, which could be a sign that the company is on the right track.


DPS is an important metric for investors to consider when evaluating a company's stock. However, it is important to note that DPS is not the only factor to consider and other factors such as the company's growth prospects, financial strength, and risk profile should also be taken into account.

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