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Definition of 'Domicile'

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**Domicile** is a legal term that refers to the place where a person has their permanent home. It is important to distinguish between domicile and residence, as the two terms are not always the same.

**Residence** is the place where a person actually lives, while **domicile** is the place where a person intends to remain permanently. A person may have a residence in one place and a domicile in another. For example, a student who attends college may have a residence in the college town, but their domicile may be in their hometown.

The domicile of a person is important for a number of reasons. For example, a person's domicile determines the state in which they are required to file taxes. It also determines the state in which they are entitled to vote and hold public office.

In order to establish domicile in a particular state, a person must show that they have a permanent home there. This means that they must have a place to live, as well as the intention to remain there permanently.

There are a number of ways to establish domicile in a state. One way is to live in the state for a certain period of time. The length of time required varies from state to state, but it is typically between six months and one year.

Another way to establish domicile in a state is to own property there. If a person owns a home in a state, they are considered to be domiciled in that state.

Finally, a person can also establish domicile in a state by registering to vote there. When a person registers to vote, they are essentially declaring their intention to remain in the state permanently.

It is important to note that domicile is not the same as citizenship. A person can be domiciled in one state and a citizen of another.

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