Double Declining Balance Depreciation Method (DDB)

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Definition of 'Double Declining Balance Depreciation Method (DDB)'

The double declining balance depreciation method (DDB) is a depreciation method that allows for accelerated depreciation of an asset. This means that the asset is depreciated at a faster rate in the early years of its life, and at a slower rate in the later years.

The DDB method is calculated by taking the asset's cost and multiplying it by a depreciation rate that is twice the straight-line depreciation rate. The straight-line depreciation rate is calculated by dividing the asset's cost by its useful life.

For example, if an asset has a cost of $100,000 and a useful life of 10 years, the straight-line depreciation rate would be 10%. The DDB depreciation rate would be 20%.

The DDB method is often used for assets that have a high value and a short useful life. This is because it allows for the asset to be depreciated more quickly, which can result in lower taxes in the early years of its life.

However, the DDB method can also result in a higher tax liability in the later years of an asset's life. This is because the asset will be depreciated at a slower rate, which will result in less depreciation expense being deducted from taxable income.

The DDB method is not allowed for all types of assets. For example, it cannot be used for land or buildings.

The DDB method is also subject to certain limitations. For example, the depreciation rate cannot exceed 150% of the straight-line depreciation rate.

The DDB method is a complex depreciation method that can have a significant impact on an asset's tax liability. It is important to consult with a tax advisor before using the DDB method to depreciate an asset.

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