Easement In Gross

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Definition of 'Easement In Gross'

An easement in gross is a type of easement that is not attached to a particular piece of land. This means that the easement can be used by anyone, regardless of who owns the land. Easements in gross are often used for things like utility lines, drainage ditches, and public roads.

There are two main types of easements in gross: affirmative easements and negative easements. Affirmative easements allow the holder of the easement to do something on the land, such as build a road or run a utility line. Negative easements prevent the owner of the land from doing something, such as building a house or planting a tree.

Easements in gross are created by a written agreement between the owner of the land and the holder of the easement. The agreement should specify the exact nature of the easement, the duration of the easement, and the compensation that the owner of the land will receive for granting the easement.

Easements in gross can be a valuable tool for landowners and developers. They can allow landowners to use their land for multiple purposes, and they can help developers to build projects that would not be possible without an easement. However, it is important to understand the full implications of granting an easement in gross before entering into an agreement.

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