Economic Growth

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Definition of 'Economic Growth'

Economic growth is the increase in the value of the goods and services produced by an economy over a period of time. It is usually measured as the annual percentage change in real gross domestic product (GDP), which is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders.

Economic growth is important because it can lead to higher living standards for people in an economy. When an economy grows, it creates more jobs, which means that people have more money to spend on goods and services. This can lead to a rise in the standard of living, as people are able to afford better housing, food, and education.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to economic growth, including:

* **Investment in physical capital:** This includes investment in machinery, equipment, and buildings. This investment can help to increase productivity and output, which can lead to economic growth.
* **Investment in human capital:** This includes investment in education, training, and healthcare. This investment can help to improve the skills of workers, which can also lead to economic growth.
* **Government policies:** Government policies can also play a role in economic growth. For example, government policies that encourage competition can help to promote innovation and productivity, which can lead to economic growth.

Economic growth is not without its challenges. For example, economic growth can lead to environmental degradation, as more resources are used to produce more goods and services. Additionally, economic growth can lead to inequality, as the benefits of growth are not always shared equally among all members of society.

Despite these challenges, economic growth is generally seen as a positive thing. It can lead to higher living standards, more jobs, and a better quality of life for people in an economy.

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