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Definition of 'Economist'

An economist is a person who studies the economy, how it works, and how it affects people and businesses. Economists use a variety of methods to study the economy, including collecting and analyzing data, developing models, and conducting experiments. They also use their knowledge to advise governments and businesses on how to make policies that will improve the economy.

Economists are employed in a variety of settings, including academia, government, and the private sector. Academic economists conduct research and teach economics at colleges and universities. Government economists work for government agencies, such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Federal Reserve, and provide economic analysis and advice to policymakers. Private-sector economists work for businesses, such as banks and consulting firms, and provide economic analysis and advice to clients.

Economists play an important role in society by helping us understand the economy and how it works. They also help us make better decisions about how to manage our money and our businesses.

Here are some of the things that economists do:

* Collect and analyze data on the economy, such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, and unemployment.
* Develop models to predict how the economy will change in the future.
* Conduct experiments to test economic theories.
* Advise governments and businesses on how to make policies that will improve the economy.
* Teach economics at colleges and universities.

Economists are important because they help us understand the economy and how it works. They also help us make better decisions about how to manage our money and our businesses.

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