Economies of Scope

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Definition of 'Economies of Scope'

Economies of scope are a type of cost savings that a company can achieve by producing multiple products or services. This is in contrast to economies of scale, which are cost savings that a company can achieve by producing a single product or service in large quantities.

Economies of scope can be achieved in a number of ways. One way is by sharing resources across multiple products or services. For example, a company that produces both cars and trucks can share the same manufacturing plant. This can save the company money on rent, equipment, and labor.

Another way to achieve economies of scope is by using the same distribution channels for multiple products or services. For example, a company that sells both books and music can use the same retail stores to sell both products. This can save the company money on marketing and sales.

Economies of scope can also be achieved by using the same production process for multiple products or services. For example, a company that produces both paper and plastic products can use the same machinery to produce both products. This can save the company money on equipment and labor.

Economies of scope can be a significant source of cost savings for companies. This can lead to higher profits and increased competitiveness.

Here are some additional examples of economies of scope:

* A company that produces both software and hardware can share the same research and development team.
* A company that produces both food and beverages can share the same distribution network.
* A company that produces both financial services and insurance can share the same customer service team.

Economies of scope are not always easy to achieve. In order to realize the full benefits of economies of scope, a company must be able to efficiently manage its multiple products or services. This can be a challenge, especially for companies that are new to producing multiple products or services.

Despite the challenges, economies of scope can be a significant source of cost savings for companies. This can lead to higher profits and increased competitiveness.

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