Electronic Communication Network

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Definition of 'Electronic Communication Network'

An electronic communication network (ECN) is a computer network that facilitates trading of securities. ECNs are not members of stock exchanges, but they provide liquidity to the markets by allowing investors to trade directly with each other.

ECNs are typically used by institutional investors, such as hedge funds and mutual funds, but they are also becoming more popular with retail investors. ECNs offer a number of advantages over traditional stock exchanges, including lower trading costs, faster execution speeds, and greater anonymity.

One of the main advantages of ECNs is that they allow investors to trade directly with each other. This eliminates the need for a middleman, which can save investors money on commissions. ECNs also typically offer faster execution speeds than traditional stock exchanges. This is because ECNs do not have to process as many orders as stock exchanges, and they can match orders more quickly.

Another advantage of ECNs is that they offer greater anonymity. This is because investors do not have to provide their names or contact information when they trade on an ECN. This can be a valuable advantage for investors who want to trade without being identified.

ECNs are not without their disadvantages. One disadvantage is that they can be more complex to use than traditional stock exchanges. This is because ECNs offer a wider range of trading options, and they can be difficult to navigate for investors who are not familiar with them.

Another disadvantage of ECNs is that they can be less liquid than traditional stock exchanges. This is because ECNs do not have as many participants as stock exchanges, and they can be more difficult to trade on during periods of high volatility.

Despite these disadvantages, ECNs are becoming increasingly popular with investors. This is because ECNs offer a number of advantages over traditional stock exchanges, including lower trading costs, faster execution speeds, and greater anonymity.

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