Equity-Linked Note (ELN)

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Definition of 'Equity-Linked Note (ELN)'

An equity-linked note (ELN) is a type of debt security that gives the holder the right to participate in the upside of an underlying asset, such as a stock or an index. ELNs are often used by companies to raise capital and can be structured in a variety of ways.

One common type of ELN is a convertible note. A convertible note is a debt security that can be converted into shares of the issuing company at a predetermined price. The conversion price is typically set at a premium to the current stock price, which gives the holder the potential to profit if the stock price rises.

Another type of ELN is a structured note. A structured note is a debt security that is linked to the performance of an underlying asset, such as a stock index or a commodity. The return on the structured note is typically linked to the performance of the underlying asset, but there may be other features, such as a cap or a floor, that limit the upside or downside potential.

ELNs can be a complex financial product, and investors should carefully consider the risks before investing. Some of the risks associated with ELNs include:

* The risk that the underlying asset will decline in value, which could result in a loss of principal.
* The risk that the issuer will default on the note, which could result in a loss of principal.
* The risk that the note will be called early, which could force the investor to sell the underlying asset at a time when it is not advantageous.

ELNs can be a good investment for investors who are willing to take on some risk in exchange for the potential for higher returns. However, investors should carefully consider the risks before investing in ELNs.

Here are some additional details about ELNs:

* ELNs are typically issued by corporations, but they can also be issued by governments or other entities.
* ELNs can have maturities of any length, but they are typically issued with maturities of one to five years.
* The interest rate on an ELN is typically fixed, but it can also be floating or variable.
* ELNs can be traded on the secondary market, but they are often illiquid.

ELNs can be a good way for investors to gain exposure to the equity markets without having to purchase shares of stock. However, ELNs are complex financial products, and investors should carefully consider the risks before investing.

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