Excise Tax

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Definition of 'Excise Tax'

An excise tax is a tax on the sale of specific goods or services. Excise taxes are often used to fund government programs or to discourage the consumption of certain goods or services.

In the United States, excise taxes are levied by the federal government, as well as by state and local governments. The federal government imposes excise taxes on a variety of goods and services, including gasoline, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. State and local governments also impose excise taxes on a variety of goods and services, such as sales taxes, hotel taxes, and vehicle registration fees.

Excise taxes can be either specific or ad valorem. A specific excise tax is a tax that is levied on a specific good or service, regardless of its price. For example, the federal government imposes a specific excise tax of $0.18 per gallon of gasoline. An ad valorem excise tax is a tax that is levied on a good or service as a percentage of its price. For example, the state of California imposes an ad valorem excise tax of 7.5% on the sale of cigarettes.

Excise taxes can be used to raise revenue for the government, to discourage the consumption of certain goods or services, or to promote certain social or economic goals. For example, the federal government's excise tax on gasoline is used to fund the Highway Trust Fund, which is used to build and maintain roads and highways. The state of California's excise tax on cigarettes is used to fund programs to reduce smoking.

Excise taxes can be controversial. Some people argue that they are regressive taxes, because they disproportionately impact low-income individuals. Others argue that they are necessary to fund important government programs or to discourage the consumption of harmful goods or services.

Overall, excise taxes are a complex and controversial topic. There are a number of factors to consider when evaluating the merits of excise taxes, including their impact on revenue, their impact on the consumption of goods and services, and their impact on equity.

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