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Definition of 'Ex-Post'

Ex-post is a Latin phrase that means "from the past". In finance, it is used to describe an event or action that has already happened. For example, an ex-post return on an investment is the actual return that was earned, as opposed to the expected return that was projected.

Ex-post analysis is a type of analysis that is conducted after an event has occurred. It is used to evaluate the results of the event and to determine what went well and what could have been done differently. Ex-post analysis can be used to improve future decision-making by providing insights into the outcomes of different courses of action.

Ex-post facto is a legal term that refers to a law that is passed after an event has occurred. Ex-post facto laws are generally considered to be unfair because they can punish people for actions that were not illegal at the time they were committed. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as laws that are passed to punish crimes that were committed during a time of war or national emergency.

In conclusion, ex-post is a term that is used in a variety of contexts in finance and law. It is important to understand the meaning of ex-post in order to be able to interpret financial data and legal documents correctly.

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