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Definition of 'Export'

Export is the sale of goods and services produced in one country to another country. Exports are a major source of foreign exchange earnings for many countries. The value of exports is an important indicator of a country's economic health.

There are many factors that can affect a country's export performance, including the strength of its economy, the demand for its products in foreign markets, and the exchange rate between its currency and the currencies of its trading partners.

Exports can be classified into two main categories: merchandise exports and services exports. Merchandise exports are goods that are physically moved from one country to another. Services exports are intangible products, such as tourism, transportation, and financial services.

The value of exports is an important indicator of a country's economic health. A country with a strong export sector is likely to have a healthy economy. Exports can help to create jobs and boost economic growth. They can also help to improve a country's balance of payments.

However, exports can also be a source of vulnerability for a country. If a country's exports are dependent on a few key markets, it can be vulnerable to economic shocks in those markets. For example, if a country's exports are heavily dependent on the United States, it could be adversely affected by a recession in the United States.

Overall, exports are an important part of the global economy. They can help to create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve a country's balance of payments. However, exports can also be a source of vulnerability for a country. It is important for countries to manage their export sectors carefully in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.

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