Express Warranty

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Definition of 'Express Warranty'

An express warranty is a written or oral statement made by a seller to a buyer about the quality or performance of a product. The warranty can be either a promise to repair or replace the product if it does not meet the stated standards, or a guarantee that the product will meet certain specifications.

Express warranties are important because they provide buyers with a clear understanding of the seller's obligations and can help to avoid disputes after the sale. In order to be enforceable, an express warranty must be made in writing and must be clear and conspicuous. The warranty must also be made before the sale is finalized.

There are two main types of express warranties:

* *Merchantability warranty:* This type of warranty promises that the product will be fit for the purpose for which it was sold.
* *Fitness for a particular purpose warranty:* This type of warranty promises that the product will be fit for a specific purpose that was made known to the seller at the time of sale.

If a product does not meet the terms of an express warranty, the buyer may be entitled to a refund, replacement, or repair of the product. In some cases, the buyer may also be able to recover damages for any losses caused by the defective product.

It is important to note that express warranties do not cover defects that are caused by normal wear and tear, or by misuse or abuse of the product. Additionally, express warranties do not cover defects that are caused by a third party.

If you are considering purchasing a product, it is important to read the warranty carefully to make sure that you understand what is covered and what is not. If you have any questions about the warranty, you should contact the seller before making the purchase.

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