External Debt

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Definition of 'External Debt'

External debt is a type of debt that is owed by a country to foreign creditors. It can be denominated in the country's own currency or in a foreign currency. External debt can be either public or private. Public external debt is debt owed by the government of a country, while private external debt is debt owed by private entities in a country.

External debt can be a major burden on a country's economy. It can lead to a decrease in economic growth, an increase in inflation, and a depreciation of the country's currency. External debt can also make it difficult for a country to borrow money in the future.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a country's external debt. These factors include:

* High government spending
* Low economic growth
* High interest rates
* Currency depreciation
* Capital flight

There are a number of things that countries can do to reduce their external debt. These measures include:

* Reducing government spending
* Increasing economic growth
* Reducing interest rates
* Increasing the value of the country's currency
* Attracting foreign investment

External debt can be a serious problem for countries, but it can be managed and reduced. By taking steps to reduce their external debt, countries can improve their economic prospects and their ability to borrow money in the future.

In addition to the factors listed above, there are a number of other factors that can contribute to a country's external debt. These factors include:

* Natural disasters
* Wars
* Economic crises
* Political instability

When a country experiences a natural disaster, war, or economic crisis, it can lead to a decrease in economic growth and an increase in government spending. This can lead to a decrease in foreign investment and an increase in external debt.

Political instability can also lead to a decrease in foreign investment and an increase in external debt. When investors are not confident in the stability of a country's government, they are less likely to invest in that country. This can lead to a decrease in economic growth and an increase in government spending.

External debt can have a number of negative consequences for a country. These consequences include:

* A decrease in economic growth
* An increase in inflation
* A depreciation of the country's currency
* A decrease in foreign investment
* A decrease in the standard of living

External debt can also make it difficult for a country to borrow money in the future. When a country has a high level of external debt, it is seen as a risky borrower. This can lead to higher interest rates and make it more difficult for the country to borrow money.

There are a number of things that countries can do to reduce their external debt. These measures include:

* Reducing government spending
* Increasing economic growth
* Reducing interest rates
* Increasing the value of the country's currency
* Attracting foreign investment

By taking steps to reduce their external debt, countries can improve their economic prospects and their ability to borrow money in the future.

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