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Definition of 'Facility'

A facility is a physical location where a business or organization operates. It can also refer to a financial instrument or a legal agreement.

In the context of real estate, a facility is a building or group of buildings that is used for a particular purpose. For example, a hospital is a facility that provides medical care, while a school is a facility that provides education.

In the context of finance, a facility is a financial instrument that allows a borrower to access funds on a short-term basis. For example, a credit line is a type of facility that allows a borrower to draw down funds up to a certain limit.

In the context of law, a facility is a legal agreement that allows one party to use the property of another party for a particular purpose. For example, a lease is a type of facility that allows a tenant to use the landlord's property for a specified period of time.

No matter what the context, a facility is a place or thing that is used for a particular purpose.

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