Fidelity Bond

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Definition of 'Fidelity Bond'

A fidelity bond is a type of insurance policy that protects an employer from financial losses caused by an employee's dishonest or fraudulent acts. The bond is typically purchased by the employer and covers losses up to a specified amount. If an employee is caught stealing from the company, the fidelity bond will reimburse the employer for the stolen funds.

Fidelity bonds are important for businesses of all sizes. They can help protect an employer from financial ruin in the event of an employee theft. In addition, fidelity bonds can help to deter employee theft by sending a message that the employer is serious about protecting its assets.

There are a few different types of fidelity bonds available. The most common type is a blanket bond, which covers all employees of the company. Another type of fidelity bond is a position bond, which covers only employees who hold certain positions, such as a cashier or a bookkeeper.

The cost of a fidelity bond depends on a number of factors, including the size of the company, the number of employees, and the type of bond. Employers should shop around for the best rates before purchasing a fidelity bond.

Fidelity bonds are an important part of any business's risk management plan. They can help to protect an employer from financial losses caused by employee theft. If you are an employer, you should consider purchasing a fidelity bond to protect your business.

In addition to protecting employers from financial losses, fidelity bonds can also help to deter employee theft. When employees know that their employer is protected by a fidelity bond, they are less likely to steal from the company. This is because they know that they will be caught and punished if they are caught stealing.

Fidelity bonds are a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. They can help to protect an employer from financial losses and deter employee theft. If you are an employer, you should consider purchasing a fidelity bond to protect your business.

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