Filing Status

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Definition of 'Filing Status'

Filing status is an important consideration when preparing your taxes. It determines which tax forms you must file and how much tax you owe. There are five different filing statuses: single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household, and qualifying widow(er).


If you are single, you are considered to be filing as a single person. This is the simplest filing status and is generally used by people who are not married and do not have any dependents.

**Married filing jointly**

If you are married, you can file your taxes jointly with your spouse. This is the most common filing status and is generally used by couples who are married and file their taxes together.

**Married filing separately**

If you are married, you can also file your taxes separately from your spouse. This filing status is generally used by couples who are married but file their taxes separately for one reason or another.

**Head of household**

If you are single and have a dependent child, you may be able to file as head of household. This filing status is generally used by single parents who are raising their children alone.

**Qualifying widow(er)**

If you are widowed, you may be able to file as a qualifying widow(er). This filing status is generally used by widows and widowers who have not remarried and who have a dependent child.

The filing status you choose can have a significant impact on your taxes. It is important to choose the filing status that is most beneficial to you.

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