Futures Contract

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Definition of 'Futures Contract'

A futures contract is a legal agreement to buy or sell an asset at a specific price on a specific date in the future. The asset can be anything from stocks to commodities to currencies. Futures contracts are traded on exchanges, and they are used to hedge against risk or speculate on price movements.

There are two parties to a futures contract: the buyer and the seller. The buyer agrees to buy the asset at the agreed-upon price on the delivery date. The seller agrees to sell the asset at the agreed-upon price on the delivery date.

The price of a futures contract is determined by the supply and demand for the underlying asset. If there is more demand for the asset than there is supply, the price of the futures contract will go up. If there is more supply of the asset than there is demand, the price of the futures contract will go down.

Futures contracts can be used to hedge against risk or speculate on price movements. Hedging is the process of reducing the risk of loss by taking an opposite position in the market. For example, a farmer who is concerned about the price of corn may buy a futures contract to lock in a price for corn that will be delivered in the future. This will protect the farmer from a decline in the price of corn.

Speculation is the process of taking a position in the market in the hopes of making a profit. For example, an investor who believes that the price of oil will go up may buy a futures contract to buy oil at a specific price in the future. If the price of oil does go up, the investor will make a profit.

Futures contracts can be a complex financial instrument, and there is a risk of loss if you do not understand how they work. Before you trade futures contracts, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation. You should also consult with a financial advisor to make sure that futures contracts are right for you.

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