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Definition of 'Gadfly'

A gadfly is a person who is constantly critical or complaining, especially of someone in authority. In the financial world, a gadfly is someone who is always questioning the status quo and looking for ways to improve things. They are often seen as troublemakers, but they can also play an important role in keeping the financial system honest and accountable.

There are many different types of gadflies in the financial world. Some are journalists who write articles or books that expose financial wrongdoing. Others are analysts who research companies and make recommendations to investors. Still others are activists who lobby for changes to the financial system.

Gadflies can be effective at raising awareness of important issues and holding the financial industry accountable. However, they can also be seen as a nuisance. Some people believe that they are too negative and that they do not offer any solutions to the problems they identify.

Despite the criticism, gadflies play an important role in the financial world. They help to keep the system honest and accountable, and they can help to prevent financial crises.

Here are some examples of gadflies in the financial world:

* Michael Lewis, a journalist who has written books about the financial crisis, Wall Street, and the mortgage industry.
* Harry Markopolos, an analyst who blew the whistle on Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme.
* Elizabeth Warren, a senator who has been a vocal critic of the financial industry.

These are just a few examples of the many gadflies who have played an important role in the financial world. They are often seen as troublemakers, but they can also play an important role in keeping the system honest and accountable.

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