Game Theory

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Definition of 'Game Theory'

Game theory is a branch of mathematics that studies strategic decision-making. It is used in economics, political science, biology, and computer science. Game theory models how people interact with each other, and it can be used to predict how they will behave in certain situations.

Game theory is based on the idea that people are rational actors who make decisions based on their own self-interest. However, game theory also takes into account the fact that people may not have perfect information about the situation they are in, and they may not be able to predict how others will behave.

Game theory has been used to study a wide variety of problems, including the prisoner's dilemma, the battle of the sexes, and the tragedy of the commons. It has also been used to develop strategies for negotiation, conflict resolution, and voting.

One of the most important concepts in game theory is the Nash equilibrium. A Nash equilibrium is a situation in which no player can improve their payoff by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players. In other words, a Nash equilibrium is a stable state of the game.

Game theory has been used to explain a wide variety of real-world phenomena, including the arms race, the spread of diseases, and the behavior of financial markets. It is a powerful tool for understanding how people interact with each other, and it can be used to predict how they will behave in certain situations.

Here are some additional examples of how game theory has been used in the real world:

* Game theory has been used to develop strategies for negotiation. For example, the Nash bargaining solution is a method for dividing up a pie between two players.
* Game theory has been used to study the arms race. The prisoner's dilemma is a model that can be used to understand how arms races can escalate.
* Game theory has been used to study the spread of diseases. The SIR model is a model that can be used to predict how diseases will spread through a population.
* Game theory has been used to study the behavior of financial markets. The Black-Scholes model is a model that can be used to price options.

Game theory is a powerful tool that can be used to understand how people interact with each other. It has been used to study a wide variety of real-world phenomena, and it can be used to develop strategies for negotiation, conflict resolution, and voting.

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