Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)

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Definition of 'Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)'

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) is a system for classifying companies into industry sectors, sub-industries, and industries. It is developed and maintained by MSCI, a leading provider of investment research and data.

The GICS is used by investors, analysts, and portfolio managers to compare companies and make investment decisions. It is also used by regulators and governments to track the performance of different sectors of the economy.

The GICS is divided into 11 sectors, which are further divided into 24 industry groups. The sectors are:

* Energy
* Materials
* Industrials
* Consumer Discretionary
* Consumer Staples
* Health Care
* Financials
* Information Technology
* Telecommunications Services
* Utilities

The industry groups are:

* Energy Exploration & Production
* Energy Refining & Marketing
* Oil & Gas Pipelines
* Oil & Gas Equipment & Services
* Chemicals
* Materials & Metals
* Construction & Engineering
* Machinery & Equipment
* Transportation Equipment
* Aerospace & Defense
* Autos & Components
* Consumer Products
* Food & Beverages
* Household & Personal Products
* Health Care Equipment & Services
* Pharmaceuticals
* Biotechnology
* Life Sciences Tools & Services
* Financial Services
* Insurance
* Real Estate
* Media & Entertainment
* Telecommunications Services
* Utilities

The GICS is regularly updated to reflect changes in the global economy. New sectors and industry groups are added as needed, and existing sectors and industry groups are modified as their composition changes.

The GICS is a valuable tool for investors, analysts, and portfolio managers. It provides a standardized way to compare companies and make investment decisions. It is also used by regulators and governments to track the performance of different sectors of the economy.

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