Global Registered Share (GRS)

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Definition of 'Global Registered Share (GRS)'

A Global Registered Share (GRS) is a type of equity security that is issued by a company and traded on multiple exchanges around the world. GRSs are typically denominated in U.S. dollars and are backed by the issuing company's assets. They are often used by companies that want to raise capital from investors in multiple countries.

There are a number of advantages to issuing GRSs. First, they can help companies to reach a wider pool of investors. Second, they can make it easier for investors to trade shares in the company's stock. Third, they can help to reduce the cost of issuing and trading shares.

However, there are also some disadvantages to issuing GRSs. First, they can be more expensive to issue than traditional shares. Second, they can be more complex to manage than traditional shares. Third, they can be subject to different regulations in different countries.

Overall, GRSs can be a good option for companies that want to raise capital from investors in multiple countries. However, companies should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of issuing GRSs before making a decision.

Here are some additional details about GRSs:

* GRSs are typically issued in bearer form, which means that they are not registered to any particular shareholder. This can make them more difficult to track and trade than registered shares.
* GRSs are often subject to different tax rules than traditional shares. Companies should consult with a tax advisor to determine how GRSs will affect their tax liability.
* GRSs can be a good option for companies that want to list their shares on multiple exchanges. However, companies should carefully consider the costs and benefits of listing their shares on multiple exchanges before making a decision.

If you are considering issuing GRSs, it is important to speak with a financial advisor to get professional advice.

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