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Definition of 'Globalization'

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between people, companies, and governments worldwide. It is facilitated by advances in transportation, communication, and trade. Globalization has been a major force in the development of the modern world.

One of the most important aspects of globalization is the free flow of capital. This has led to increased investment and trade between countries, and has helped to boost economic growth. However, it has also led to increased inequality within and between countries.

Another important aspect of globalization is the spread of technology. This has led to new products and services, and has made it easier for people to communicate and collaborate with each other. However, it has also led to job losses in some industries, and has increased the digital divide between rich and poor countries.

Globalization has also had a significant impact on the environment. The increased demand for goods and services has led to increased pollution and resource depletion. However, it has also led to new environmental technologies and practices.

Overall, globalization has had a profound impact on the world. It has brought many benefits, but it has also created some challenges. It is important to be aware of the potential benefits and challenges of globalization, and to make informed decisions about how to engage with it.

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