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Definition of 'Glocalization'

Glocalization is a term that describes the process of adapting global products or services to local markets. It is a portmanteau of the words "globalization" and "localization."

The term "glocalization" was first coined by Japanese sociologist Masayoshi Kanazawa in 1984. He used it to describe the way in which Japanese companies were adapting their products and services to the needs of local markets around the world.

Since then, the term "glocalization" has been used to describe a wide range of phenomena, including the way in which multinational corporations adapt their products and services to local markets, the way in which local cultures and traditions are influenced by global trends, and the way in which global communications technologies are used to create new forms of local expression.

Glocalization is a complex and dynamic process that is constantly evolving. There is no single definition of glocalization, and the term is used in a variety of ways by different scholars and practitioners. However, there are some common themes that emerge when discussing glocalization.

First, glocalization is a process of adaptation. It involves taking something that is global in nature and adapting it to the local context. This can involve making changes to the product or service itself, or it can involve making changes to the way in which the product or service is marketed and distributed.

Second, glocalization is a process of negotiation. It involves finding a balance between the global and the local. This can be a difficult process, as there are often competing interests at stake. However, it is essential to find a balance if glocalization is to be successful.

Third, glocalization is a process of hybridization. It involves creating something new that is both global and local. This can be a creative and innovative process, as it allows for new ideas and perspectives to emerge.

Glocalization is a complex and dynamic process that is constantly evolving. There is no single definition of glocalization, and the term is used in a variety of ways by different scholars and practitioners. However, there are some common themes that emerge when discussing glocalization.

Glocalization is a process of adaptation, negotiation, and hybridization. It is a process of taking something that is global in nature and adapting it to the local context. It is a process of finding a balance between the global and the local. And it is a process of creating something new that is both global and local.

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