Goal Seeking

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Definition of 'Goal Seeking'

Goal seeking is a financial analysis tool that allows you to find the inputs that will produce a desired output. For example, you could use goal seeking to find the monthly savings rate you need to reach a target retirement savings goal.

Goal seeking is a type of what-if analysis. It is similar to sensitivity analysis, but with goal seeking you are specifically trying to find the input values that will produce a desired output.

Goal seeking is a powerful tool that can be used to make informed financial decisions. It can help you to:

* Determine the financial impact of different decisions
* Make sure that your financial plans are on track
* Reach your financial goals

To use goal seeking, you will need to:

1. Define your goal.
2. Identify the inputs that affect your goal.
3. Enter the desired output.
4. The goal seeking tool will calculate the input values that will produce the desired output.

Goal seeking is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to make informed financial decisions. It can help you to reach your financial goals and make sure that your financial plans are on track.

Here are some additional tips for using goal seeking:

* Use goal seeking to explore different scenarios. What would happen if you saved more money each month? What would happen if you invested in a different asset class? Goal seeking can help you to see the impact of different decisions and make better choices.
* Use goal seeking to track your progress. As you work towards your financial goals, use goal seeking to make sure that you are on track. If you are not on track, you can adjust your plans accordingly.
* Use goal seeking to make informed decisions. Goal seeking can help you to make better financial decisions by providing you with the information you need to make informed choices.

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