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Definition of 'Grant'

A grant is a sum of money given by an organization or individual to support a specific project or activity. Grants are often used to fund research, education, or other charitable purposes.

There are a few different types of grants. The most common type is a project grant, which is awarded to support a specific project or activity. Another type of grant is an operating grant, which is awarded to support the ongoing operations of an organization. Finally, there are also challenge grants, which are awarded to organizations that meet certain criteria.

Grants can be awarded by a variety of organizations, including government agencies, foundations, and corporations. The application process for a grant can vary depending on the organization that is awarding the grant. However, most applications will require a description of the project or activity that the grant is being requested for, as well as a budget and timeline.

Grants can be a great way to fund projects or activities that you are passionate about. However, it is important to remember that grants are competitive and that not all applications will be successful. If you are considering applying for a grant, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are eligible for the grant that you are applying for.

Here are some tips for writing a successful grant application:

* Do your research and make sure that you are eligible for the grant that you are applying for.
* Write a clear and concise description of the project or activity that you are requesting funding for.
* Include a budget and timeline for the project or activity.
* Be sure to include any supporting documents that may be required, such as letters of recommendation or proof of your qualifications.
* Proofread your application carefully before submitting it.

If you are successful in obtaining a grant, it is important to use the funds wisely and to report back to the grantor on the progress of your project or activity.

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