Gross National Income (GNI)

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Definition of 'Gross National Income (GNI)'

The Gross National Income (GNI) is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced by a country's economy in a given year. It is calculated by adding up the value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders, regardless of who owns the factors of production (land, labor, and capital). GNI is often used as a proxy for a country's standard of living, as it reflects the total amount of goods and services that are available to its citizens.

There are two main ways to calculate GNI: the expenditure approach and the income approach. The expenditure approach adds up the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders, while the income approach adds up the total income earned by all factors of production within a country's borders.

The GNI is often used to compare the economic output of different countries. However, it is important to note that GNI can be misleading in some cases. For example, a country with a high GNI may not necessarily have a high standard of living if the income is distributed unevenly. Additionally, GNI does not take into account the value of non-market goods and services, such as unpaid domestic labor.

Despite these limitations, the GNI is a useful tool for understanding the size and structure of a country's economy. It can also be used to track economic growth over time and to compare the economic performance of different countries.

Here are some additional points about GNI:

* GNI is often used as a proxy for a country's standard of living, but it is important to note that GNI does not take into account the distribution of income.
* GNI can be misleading in some cases, such as when a country has a high GNI but a low standard of living.
* GNI does not take into account the value of non-market goods and services, such as unpaid domestic labor.
* GNI is a useful tool for understanding the size and structure of a country's economy.
* GNI can be used to track economic growth over time and to compare the economic performance of different countries.

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