Gross Yield

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Definition of 'Gross Yield'

**Gross Yield**

Gross yield is the total return on an investment before any deductions or fees are taken out. It is calculated by multiplying the annual interest rate by the principal amount invested. For example, if you invest $1,000 in a bond that pays an annual interest rate of 5%, your gross yield would be $50.

Gross yield is a useful metric for comparing different investments, but it is important to note that it does not take into account any fees or other costs that may be associated with the investment. For this reason, it is often more useful to look at the net yield, which is the gross yield after all fees and costs have been deducted.

**Calculating Gross Yield**

The formula for calculating gross yield is:

Gross Yield = Annual Interest Rate * Principal Amount Invested

For example, if you invest $1,000 in a bond that pays an annual interest rate of 5%, your gross yield would be:

Gross Yield = 5% * $1,000 = $50

**Using Gross Yield**

Gross yield can be used to compare different investments and to make decisions about where to invest your money. However, it is important to note that gross yield does not take into account any fees or other costs that may be associated with the investment. For this reason, it is often more useful to look at the net yield, which is the gross yield after all fees and costs have been deducted.


Let's say you are considering investing in two different bonds. Bond A pays an annual interest rate of 5%, while Bond B pays an annual interest rate of 6%. However, Bond A has a front-end load fee of 2%, while Bond B has a back-end load fee of 1%.

To compare the two bonds, you would need to calculate their net yields. The net yield of Bond A would be:

Net Yield = 5% - 2% = 3%

The net yield of Bond B would be:

Net Yield = 6% - 1% = 5%

In this case, Bond B would have the higher net yield, even though it has a lower annual interest rate. This is because the back-end load fee on Bond B is lower than the front-end load fee on Bond A.


Gross yield is a useful metric for comparing different investments, but it is important to note that it does not take into account any fees or other costs that may be associated with the investment. For this reason, it is often more useful to look at the net yield, which is the gross yield after all fees and costs have been deducted.

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