Group of 11 (G-11)

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Definition of 'Group of 11 (G-11)'

The Group of 11 (G-11) is an informal group of 11 major economies that was established in 1989. The members of the G-11 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The G-11 was created as a forum for these countries to discuss economic issues and coordinate their policies. The G-11 has no formal structure or rules, and it does not meet on a regular basis. However, the G-11 has played an important role in promoting dialogue and cooperation among the world's major economies.

The G-11 was created in response to the growing importance of developing countries in the global economy. In the 1980s, the world's major economies were facing a number of challenges, including the debt crisis, the recession, and the rise of protectionism. The G-11 was seen as a way for developing countries to have a greater voice in the global economic system.

The G-11 has played a number of important roles in the global economy. The G-11 has helped to promote dialogue and cooperation among the world's major economies. The G-11 has also played a role in promoting economic development in developing countries. The G-11 has also been involved in a number of initiatives to address global challenges, such as climate change and poverty.

The G-11 has been criticized for being too exclusive. The G-11 only includes 11 countries, and it does not represent the views of all of the world's major economies. The G-11 has also been criticized for being too focused on the interests of developed countries. The G-11 has not been as successful in promoting the interests of developing countries.

Despite these criticisms, the G-11 has played an important role in the global economy. The G-11 has helped to promote dialogue and cooperation among the world's major economies. The G-11 has also played a role in promoting economic development in developing countries. The G-11 has also been involved in a number of initiatives to address global challenges.

The future of the G-11 is uncertain. The G-11 has been overshadowed by the G-20, which is a larger group of countries that includes more developing countries. However, the G-11 could still play an important role in the global economy. The G-11 could continue to promote dialogue and cooperation among the world's major economies. The G-11 could also play a role in promoting economic development in developing countries. The G-11 could also be involved in a number of initiatives to address global challenges.

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