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Definition of 'Haircut'

A haircut is a reduction in the value of an asset or security. It can be used to reflect the current market value of an asset, or to account for losses that have been incurred.

There are a number of different ways to calculate a haircut. One common method is to use the current market price of the asset. Another method is to use the historical volatility of the asset. The haircut can also be based on the credit rating of the issuer of the asset.

Haircuts are often used in the context of collateralized lending. When a lender provides a loan, they will often require the borrower to provide collateral. The haircut is the amount by which the value of the collateral is reduced. This is done to protect the lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan.

Haircuts can also be used in the context of derivatives trading. When a trader enters into a derivative contract, they will often have to post collateral. The haircut is the amount by which the value of the collateral is reduced. This is done to protect the counterparty in the event that the trader defaults on their obligations.

Haircuts are an important tool for managing risk. They can help to protect lenders and counterparties in the event of a default. However, it is important to note that haircuts can also reduce the profitability of a transaction.

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