Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB)

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Definition of 'Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB)'

The Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB) is the commercial code of Germany. It is a comprehensive set of laws that govern commercial transactions and the operation of businesses. The HGB is divided into 10 books, each of which deals with a different aspect of commercial law.

The first book of the HGB sets out the general principles of commercial law. It defines the terms "merchant" and "commercial transaction" and establishes the rules that govern the formation and validity of contracts. The second book of the HGB deals with the rights and obligations of merchants in their dealings with each other. It covers topics such as agency, carriage of goods, and negotiable instruments.

The third book of the HGB deals with the formation and operation of companies. It sets out the rules for establishing a company, the rights and obligations of shareholders and directors, and the procedures for winding up a company. The fourth book of the HGB deals with partnerships. It sets out the rules for establishing a partnership, the rights and obligations of partners, and the procedures for dissolving a partnership.

The fifth book of the HGB deals with commercial contracts. It covers topics such as sales contracts, leases, and loans. The sixth book of the HGB deals with negotiable instruments. It sets out the rules for issuing, transferring, and enforcing negotiable instruments.

The seventh book of the HGB deals with bankruptcy. It sets out the rules for declaring a company bankrupt, the procedures for liquidating a company's assets, and the rights of creditors. The eighth book of the HGB deals with commercial arbitration. It sets out the rules for submitting commercial disputes to arbitration and for enforcing arbitral awards.

The ninth book of the HGB deals with the law of evidence. It sets out the rules for presenting evidence in court and for assessing the weight of evidence. The tenth book of the HGB deals with miscellaneous provisions. It covers topics such as the liability of directors for their actions, the registration of companies, and the taxation of businesses.

The HGB is a complex and comprehensive set of laws. It is essential for anyone who is involved in commercial transactions or the operation of a business to have a basic understanding of the HGB.

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