Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)

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Definition of 'Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)'

The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is a measure of inflation that is used in the European Union. It is calculated by taking the weighted average of the prices of a basket of goods and services that are commonly purchased by households. The HICP is used to measure the cost of living in the EU and to compare inflation rates between countries.

The HICP is calculated by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The basket of goods and services that are used to calculate the HICP is updated every two years. The weights for each item in the basket are based on the amount of money that households spend on each item.

The HICP is a useful measure of inflation because it is based on a representative basket of goods and services. It is also comparable across countries, which makes it a useful tool for comparing inflation rates between countries.

However, the HICP has some limitations. One limitation is that it does not take into account changes in the quality of goods and services. For example, if a new type of refrigerator is introduced that is more energy-efficient than older models, the HICP will not reflect the decrease in the cost of cooling a home.

Another limitation of the HICP is that it does not take into account changes in consumer behavior. For example, if households start to buy more of their goods online, the HICP will not reflect the decrease in the cost of shopping.

Despite these limitations, the HICP is a useful measure of inflation. It is a comprehensive measure of the cost of living in the EU and it is comparable across countries.

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