Hedge Ratio

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Definition of 'Hedge Ratio'

A hedge ratio is a measure of the amount of an asset that must be held to offset the risk of another asset. It is calculated by dividing the value of the asset being hedged by the value of the hedging instrument.

For example, if you are using a futures contract to hedge the risk of an investment in a stock, the hedge ratio would be the ratio of the value of the futures contract to the value of the stock.

Hedge ratios are used to manage risk in a variety of financial transactions. They can be used to reduce the risk of an investment, or to lock in a profit on an existing investment.

There are a number of factors that can affect the hedge ratio, including the correlation between the two assets, the volatility of the two assets, and the time horizon of the hedge.

It is important to note that hedge ratios are not perfect. They can only reduce, not eliminate, risk. And they can also introduce new risks, such as basis risk and transaction costs.

Despite these limitations, hedge ratios are a valuable tool for managing risk in financial transactions. They can help investors to sleep better at night, knowing that their portfolios are protected from adverse market movements.

Here are some additional details about hedge ratios:

* Hedge ratios are typically expressed as a ratio of the value of the hedging instrument to the value of the asset being hedged. For example, a hedge ratio of 1.0 means that the value of the hedging instrument is equal to the value of the asset being hedged. A hedge ratio of 2.0 means that the value of the hedging instrument is twice the value of the asset being hedged.
* Hedge ratios can be calculated for a variety of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies.
* Hedge ratios are used in a variety of financial strategies, including portfolio insurance, risk arbitrage, and market neutral strategies.
* Hedge ratios are not perfect. They can only reduce, not eliminate, risk. And they can also introduce new risks, such as basis risk and transaction costs.

Overall, hedge ratios are a valuable tool for managing risk in financial transactions. They can help investors to sleep better at night, knowing that their portfolios are protected from adverse market movements.

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