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Definition of 'Holdco'

A holdco (short for holding company) is a company that owns other companies. Holdcos are often used to manage a group of companies that are in the same industry or that have related businesses. Holdcos can also be used to reduce taxes or to protect assets from creditors.

There are two main types of holdcos: pure holdcos and operating holdcos. Pure holdcos do not have any operations of their own. They simply own other companies and collect dividends from them. Operating holdcos, on the other hand, do have operations of their own. They may produce goods or services, or they may provide services to the companies they own.

Holdcos can be used for a variety of reasons. One reason is to reduce taxes. By holding companies in different tax jurisdictions, it is possible to minimize the amount of taxes that are paid. Another reason for using a holdco is to protect assets from creditors. If a company is sued, the creditors can only go after the assets of that company. The assets of the holdco are protected from creditors.

Holdcos can also be used to manage a group of companies that are in the same industry or that have related businesses. This can be helpful for companies that want to share resources and expertise. Holdcos can also be used to coordinate the activities of a group of companies.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using a holdco. First, it is important to make sure that the holdco is structured in a way that minimizes taxes and liability. Second, it is important to make sure that the holdco has the right management team in place. Third, it is important to make sure that the holdco has the right financial resources to support the companies it owns.

Overall, holdcos can be a valuable tool for businesses. They can be used to reduce taxes, protect assets, and manage a group of companies. However, it is important to structure the holdco carefully and to make sure that it has the right management team and financial resources in place.

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