Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)

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Definition of 'Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)'

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) was a government program that was designed to help homeowners who were struggling to make their mortgage payments. The program offered a variety of options to homeowners, including reduced interest rates, longer loan terms, and principal reductions. HAMP was a voluntary program, and homeowners had to meet certain eligibility criteria in order to participate.

The program was launched in 2009, and it was originally scheduled to end in 2012. However, the program was extended several times, and it finally ended in 2017. During its time, HAMP helped over 4 million homeowners avoid foreclosure.

The HAMP program was a success in many ways. It helped to keep millions of families in their homes, and it prevented a wave of foreclosures that could have had a devastating impact on the economy. However, the program also had some critics. Some people argued that it was too complex, and that it was difficult for homeowners to understand the terms and conditions. Others argued that the program did not do enough to help homeowners who were underwater on their mortgages.

Despite the criticisms, the HAMP program was a significant step in the government's efforts to help struggling homeowners. The program helped to keep millions of families in their homes, and it prevented a wave of foreclosures that could have had a devastating impact on the economy.

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