Homo Economicus

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Definition of 'Homo Economicus'

Homo economicus is a hypothetical person who makes decisions rationally and only considers their own self-interest. This concept was first introduced by the 18th-century economist Adam Smith, who believed that people are naturally self-interested and that this self-interest leads to economic growth.

The idea of homo economicus has been criticized by many economists and philosophers, who argue that people do not always make decisions rationally or only consider their own self-interest. However, the concept of homo economicus remains influential in economics, and it is often used as a starting point for economic models.

One of the most important assumptions of homo economicus is that people are rational. This means that they have all of the information they need to make a decision, and they are able to use this information to make the best possible decision. In reality, people do not always have all of the information they need to make a decision, and they may not be able to use the information they have to make the best possible decision.

Another important assumption of homo economicus is that people only consider their own self-interest. This means that they do not take into account the interests of others when they make decisions. In reality, people often do take into account the interests of others when they make decisions. For example, people may choose to work for a company that pays them less because they believe that the company is doing good things for the world.

The concept of homo economicus is a useful tool for understanding some aspects of human behavior. However, it is important to remember that this is just a model, and it does not accurately reflect the way that all people make decisions.

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