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Definition of 'Hysteresis'

Hysteresis is a phenomenon that occurs when the value of a variable depends on its past values. This can be seen in a number of economic and financial situations, such as the relationship between inflation and unemployment.

In the case of inflation and unemployment, when inflation is high, unemployment is also high. However, when inflation falls, unemployment does not immediately follow. This is because the economy has a "memory" of the high inflation period, and it takes time for the economy to adjust to the lower inflation rate.

This phenomenon is known as hysteresis, and it can have a number of implications for economic policy. For example, if the government wants to reduce unemployment, it may need to keep inflation high for a longer period of time than it would otherwise need to. This is because the economy needs time to adjust to the lower inflation rate.

Hysteresis can also occur in other economic and financial situations. For example, it can occur in the relationship between interest rates and economic growth. When interest rates are low, economic growth is high. However, when interest rates rise, economic growth does not immediately fall. This is because the economy has a "memory" of the low interest rate period, and it takes time for the economy to adjust to the higher interest rate.

Hysteresis can have a number of implications for economic policy. For example, if the government wants to increase economic growth, it may need to keep interest rates low for a longer period of time than it would otherwise need to. This is because the economy needs time to adjust to the higher interest rate.

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