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Definition of 'Ideation'

Ideation is the process of generating new ideas and solutions. It is a critical part of the innovation process, and it can be used to come up with new products, services, or business models.

There are many different ways to generate ideas, and the best approach will vary depending on the specific situation. Some common ideation techniques include brainstorming, mind mapping, and role playing.

Once you have generated a number of ideas, you need to evaluate them and select the most promising ones. This can be done by using a variety of criteria, such as the potential market size, the cost of implementation, and the feasibility of the idea.

The final step in the ideation process is to develop a plan for implementing the selected ideas. This plan should include details on the resources that will be needed, the timeline for implementation, and the steps that will be taken to measure the success of the initiative.

Ideation is a critical part of the innovation process, and it can be used to come up with new products, services, or business models. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can improve your ability to generate new ideas and bring your innovations to life.

Here are some additional tips for ideation:

* Be open to new ideas, even if they seem crazy at first.
* Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things.
* Collaborate with others to get different perspectives.
* Be willing to take risks.
* Celebrate your successes, big and small.

With a little creativity and effort, you can use ideation to come up with new ideas that will change the world.

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