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Definition of 'Impression'

An impression is a record of a user's interaction with an ad. When a user sees an ad, it is counted as an impression. Impressions are used to measure the reach of an ad campaign and to calculate the cost of advertising.

There are two main types of impressions: display impressions and video impressions. Display impressions are counted when a user sees an ad on a website or in an app. Video impressions are counted when a user watches a video ad for at least 3 seconds.

Impressions are important for advertisers because they help them to measure the reach of their campaigns and to calculate the cost of advertising. For example, if an advertiser wants to reach 1 million people with their campaign, they can calculate the cost of the campaign by multiplying the number of impressions by the cost per impression.

Impressions are also important for publishers because they help them to generate revenue from their websites and apps. Publishers sell advertising space to advertisers, and the price of advertising is based on the number of impressions that the ad will receive.

In addition to display and video impressions, there are also other types of impressions, such as search impressions and social media impressions. Search impressions are counted when a user sees an ad in the search results pages of a search engine. Social media impressions are counted when a user sees an ad on a social media platform.

Impressions are an important metric for measuring the reach of advertising campaigns and for calculating the cost of advertising. They are also important for publishers because they help them to generate revenue from their websites and apps.

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