Income Inequality

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Definition of 'Income Inequality'

Income inequality is the gap between the rich and the poor. It is measured by the ratio of the income of the top 20% of earners to the income of the bottom 20%. In the United States, the income inequality has been growing since the 1970s. In 2018, the top 20% of earners made 5.1 times more than the bottom 20%.

There are many factors that contribute to income inequality. Some of these factors include:

* **Education:** People with higher levels of education earn more money than people with lower levels of education.
* **Occupation:** People in higher-paying occupations earn more money than people in lower-paying occupations.
* **Race and ethnicity:** People of color earn less money than white people, even when they have the same level of education and occupation.
* **Gender:** Women earn less money than men, even when they have the same level of education and occupation.

Income inequality has a number of negative consequences for society. These consequences include:

* **Reduced economic growth:** Income inequality can lead to reduced economic growth because it reduces the demand for goods and services.
* **Increased poverty:** Income inequality can lead to increased poverty because it makes it more difficult for people to afford basic necessities.
* **Social unrest:** Income inequality can lead to social unrest because it can create resentment and anger among the poor.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce income inequality. These things include:

* **Investing in education:** Increasing the level of education of the population can help to reduce income inequality.
* **Raising the minimum wage:** Raising the minimum wage can help to reduce income inequality by increasing the wages of low-wage workers.
* **Encouraging unionization:** Encouraging unionization can help to reduce income inequality by giving workers more bargaining power.
* **Providing affordable housing:** Providing affordable housing can help to reduce income inequality by making it more affordable for people to live in good neighborhoods.

Income inequality is a serious problem that has a number of negative consequences for society. There are a number of things that can be done to reduce income inequality, and it is important to take action to address this problem.

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