Income Elasticity of Demand

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Definition of 'Income Elasticity of Demand'

The income elasticity of demand is a measure of how responsive demand for a good or service is to changes in income. It is calculated as the percentage change in demand divided by the percentage change in income.

A positive income elasticity of demand means that demand increases as income increases. This is the case for most goods and services, as people tend to buy more of them when they have more money.

A negative income elasticity of demand means that demand decreases as income increases. This is the case for some goods and services, such as basic necessities like food and housing. As people's incomes increase, they tend to spend a smaller proportion of their income on these goods and services.

An income elasticity of demand of zero means that demand does not change with changes in income. This is the case for some goods and services, such as healthcare. As people's incomes increase, they may be able to afford more healthcare, but they may not necessarily choose to do so.

The income elasticity of demand is an important concept in economics because it can help businesses to understand how their sales will be affected by changes in income. For example, a business that sells luxury goods would be more likely to benefit from an increase in income than a business that sells basic necessities.

The income elasticity of demand can also be used to compare the demand for different goods and services. For example, the income elasticity of demand for food is typically lower than the income elasticity of demand for entertainment. This means that people are more likely to spend a larger proportion of their income on entertainment when their incomes increase.

The income elasticity of demand is a complex concept, but it is an important tool for understanding how economic changes can affect businesses and consumers.

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