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Definition of 'Income'

Income is the money that a person or business receives on a regular basis, usually from work or investments. It can be used to pay for expenses, save for the future, or invest for growth. There are many different types of income, including:

* **Earned income:** This is the money that you receive from working a job. It includes your salary, wages, tips, and commissions.
* **Unearned income:** This is the money that you receive from sources other than work, such as investments, interest, dividends, and government benefits.
* **Active income:** This is the money that you earn from working for yourself or from a business that you own.
* **Passive income:** This is the money that you earn from investments or other sources that do not require you to actively work.

Income is an important part of financial planning. It can be used to meet your current needs, save for the future, and invest for growth. By understanding the different types of income and how they can be used, you can make better financial decisions.

## How to Calculate Your Income

To calculate your income, you need to add up all of the money that you receive on a regular basis. This includes your salary, wages, tips, commissions, interest, dividends, and government benefits. If you have multiple sources of income, you need to add them all together to get your total income.

Once you know your total income, you can start to make financial plans. You can use your income to pay for your expenses, save for the future, or invest for growth.

## How to Increase Your Income

There are many ways to increase your income. Some of the most common ways include:

* **Get a raise or promotion at work.**
* **Start a side hustle or freelance business.**
* **Invest in real estate or other assets.**
* **Start a blog or online business.**
* **Write a book or sell your artwork.**

There are many other ways to increase your income. The best way to find out what works for you is to experiment and see what you're good at.

## Managing Your Income

Once you have increased your income, it's important to manage it wisely. This means making sure that you're spending your money on the things that are important to you and that you're saving for the future.

There are many different ways to manage your income. Some of the most common ways include:

* **Creating a budget.** A budget helps you track your income and expenses so that you can see where your money is going.
* **Setting financial goals.** Having financial goals gives you something to work towards and helps you stay motivated.
* **Automating your finances.** Automating your finances can help you save money and pay your bills on time.

There are many other ways to manage your income. The best way to find out what works for you is to experiment and see what you're comfortable with.

## Conclusion

Income is an important part of financial planning. It can be used to meet your current needs, save for the future, and invest for growth. By understanding the different types of income and how they can be used, you can make better financial decisions.

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