Incremental Analysis

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Definition of 'Incremental Analysis'

Incremental analysis is a decision-making tool that compares the costs and benefits of two or more alternatives. It is used to determine which alternative will provide the greatest net benefit.

Incremental analysis is often used in capital budgeting decisions, where the decision is whether or not to invest in a new project. The incremental analysis compares the costs of the new project to the benefits it will generate. If the net benefits of the project are positive, then the project should be accepted.

Incremental analysis can also be used to compare different options for a project. For example, a company may be considering two different locations for a new factory. The incremental analysis would compare the costs of building the factory in each location to the benefits that would be generated from each location. The location with the highest net benefits would be chosen.

Incremental analysis is a valuable tool for making decisions about investments and projects. It can help businesses to make the best use of their resources and to maximize their profits.

Here are some additional details about incremental analysis:

* Incremental analysis is based on the principle of opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative that is given up when a decision is made. In incremental analysis, the opportunity cost of a decision is the cost of the next best alternative that is given up if the decision is made.
* Incremental analysis is a marginal analysis. Marginal analysis is the study of the effects of small changes in one variable on another variable. In incremental analysis, the effects of small changes in the costs or benefits of a project are studied to determine which alternative is best.
* Incremental analysis is a comparative analysis. Comparative analysis is the study of the differences between two or more alternatives. In incremental analysis, the differences between the costs and benefits of two or more alternatives are studied to determine which alternative is best.

Incremental analysis is a powerful tool for making decisions about investments and projects. It can help businesses to make the best use of their resources and to maximize their profits.

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