Indentured Servitude

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Definition of 'Indentured Servitude'

Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person agrees to work for a certain period of time in exchange for payment of a debt. The term is often used to describe the practice of transporting people from one country to another for the purpose of forced labor. Indentured servitude was common in the United States during the colonial period, and it was also used in other parts of the world, such as the Caribbean and South America.

Indentured servants were typically poor people who were unable to pay for their passage to a new country. In exchange for their transportation, they agreed to work for a period of time, usually four to seven years. The terms of their indentureship were often set out in a contract, and they could be subject to harsh working conditions and abuse.

Indentured servitude was abolished in the United States in 1865, but it continued to exist in other parts of the world for many years. In recent years, there have been reports of indentured servitude in countries such as India, Pakistan, and Nepal. These workers are often tricked or coerced into working in conditions that are little better than slavery.

Indentured servitude is a form of human trafficking, and it is a serious violation of human rights. The International Labour Organization estimates that there are currently 21 million people working in forced labor around the world. These workers are often exploited for their labor, and they are often subjected to violence and abuse.

The fight against human trafficking is a global effort, and it is one that we must all be involved in. We must raise awareness of the issue, and we must work to ensure that all people are free from exploitation.

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