Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs

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Definition of 'Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs'

Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs) are a type of municipal bond that is issued by a state or local government to finance a private project that is expected to generate tax revenue. The interest on IRBs is exempt from federal income tax, which makes them attractive to investors. However, IRBs are subject to state and local taxes.

IRBs are often used to finance projects that would not be able to attract private financing on their own. For example, IRBs have been used to finance the construction of hospitals, schools, and other public facilities. IRBs can also be used to finance private projects, such as the construction of a new factory or office building.

The process of issuing IRBs is complex and involves a number of steps. First, the project sponsor must submit a proposal to the state or local government. The proposal must include a detailed description of the project, as well as an estimate of the project's costs. The government will then review the proposal and decide whether to issue the IRBs.

If the government approves the proposal, it will issue the IRBs and sell them to investors. The proceeds from the sale of the IRBs will be used to finance the project. The project sponsor will then repay the IRBs with interest over a period of time.

IRBs can be a valuable tool for financing public and private projects. However, they are not without their risks. The most significant risk associated with IRBs is that the project sponsor may not be able to repay the bonds. If this happens, the bondholders will lose their investment.

Despite the risks, IRBs are a popular financing tool. They are often used to finance projects that would not be able to attract private financing on their own. IRBs can also be used to finance projects that are in the public interest, such as the construction of hospitals and schools.

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