Inherent Risk

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Definition of 'Inherent Risk'

Inherent risk is the risk that exists in a particular situation even in the absence of any action. It is the risk that is inherent in the nature of the business or activity being undertaken. For example, the inherent risk of investing in stocks is that the value of the investment may go down.

Inherent risk is often contrasted with control risk, which is the risk that a control designed to mitigate a particular risk will not be effective. For example, the control risk of investing in stocks is that the investment advisor may not provide accurate advice.

Inherent risk is an important concept in risk management because it is the starting point for any risk assessment. Once the inherent risks have been identified, they can be mitigated through the implementation of controls.

In the context of financial reporting, inherent risk is the risk that a material misstatement could occur in the financial statements even if there were no control deficiencies. Inherent risk is assessed for each material class of transactions, account balance, and disclosure. The assessment of inherent risk is based on the nature of the business, the industry in which the entity operates, and the entity's specific circumstances.

The assessment of inherent risk is used to determine the level of control testing that is necessary to obtain reasonable assurance that material misstatements are prevented or detected on a timely basis. The higher the inherent risk, the more extensive the control testing that is required.

Inherent risk is an important concept in financial reporting because it is used to determine the level of assurance that is necessary to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

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